
Reader's Hill has been planned to faciliate good self-accessible reading materials to present/future students for the purpose of

○ providing the supplement materials of a textbook (for more intensive and extensive reading)
○ adding or activating the schemata of the readers (for extensive reading)
○ having the students choose what they like to read on their own interest, proficiency and other needs
○ having them exposed to authentic texts with authentic audiences and authentic purposes

1. Target: High school 2nd Kyohaksa.
So all the resources are categorized by the chapter of textbook.

2. Purpose: This Self-Access Reading Resources(SARR) would be used as supplementary texts by all the different-level students in my class. Add more, they can interact freely through the web-board and its comment function so that no other gorup or student would be never isolated from each other. In the very first step, as I've been making as the "assignment" of Prof. Kim, of course it is impossible to make it with full body at one time. For that reason, I just collected some rather difficult passages and placed them for higher-level students.

3. Collection plot: There are 12 categories and each category represents the lesson topic on the textbook. Number of items in each category vary from one or two to six or more.

4. Categorization: topic-based
Each chapter of textbook has its own topic. My reading collection is based on that topic.



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